Since this year started,

South Africa has been buried lot of woman and children who died without illness.

The men of our country live like animals.

They do not fear to hold a blood with their own hands.

They do not fear darkness, what they do it’s pleased themselves.

They do not fear to dig a grave just to buried someone’s child , which is total wrong.

Since 2024 started it didn’t bring us peace , because many people has died

Some are killed by their loved ones

Some are killed by car accidents

Everyday we hear bad news

And it seems like our government didn’t care about it

Because this incident of killing women keeps on repeating itself

They arrest them ,but they don’t took so long in prison

They released them with bail

They came back again

Kills another

When are we going to live in peace in this world

People are playing with guns everywhere

We even fear to go to town

We fear to go around the street

Because our people has changed.