I used to go to sleep with nothing in my stomach
That is part of struggle I wish I could format
When I think of you I get flashbacks like I was in a combat or something
Borrowing money so I can buy food knowingly very well that I’m drowning in debt
For 12 months I couldn’t drive my car damn I thank God I didn’t loose it
Hunger you tried to put me in jail
The way you don’t have mercy If I had an imaginary platform I was going to accuse you of GBH
You are cruel
How I can I be productive while my body lacked fuel
You featured your friend depression and started singing like a duet
You made me someone I didn’t recognize even my lies wer fluent
I couldn’t even bring ladies to my place
Because if they saw what I ate I was going to be single forever
Family and friends left me alone to starve
Praying every sunrise and sunset with candles that had colours of a rainbow
Emotionally fed up with my stomach complaining I took a gamble and started hustling
I remember kicking doors that where closed
Channeling my energy into something useful and positive
Until 1 door opened and gave me an opportunity of a lifetime
Thank God!
I’m soo much better than the old me
I promised myself i will never want to see you ever again
Now I have a baby daughter, a girl child I will never give you the opportunity to meet
Every month end I buy groceries so that you won’t knock on my door you unwanted guest
I bet if looks where bullets I would be dead by the way u keep staring at me!
Goodbye Hunger!