This one is for my loved ones

I know that it’s a little bit deep and personal

But I need to get it off my chest

I hope that you’ll see this one day

Before anything happens

When I die I want you to bury me as me

“Belinda Moabi” is the name that should be written on my program and on my tombstone

No second surname should be added

I know that I won’t be there and I won’t see or hear anything

But I pray to God that you’ll give me that one wish

I’ve never asked for anything from you all that’s why I hope that you will give me this one thing

If you do this I know that I’ll rest in peace

Everyone got a right to be buried under his/her real identity

It doesn’t matter what who says or think but

That’s who I am that’s who I was and that’s how it should be until the day I return to the earth

Writing this isn’t easy but it needs to be done

I’m not suicidal I just had to share this with you