I am from Lehae

An attractive, chilled and friendly place taken over by drugs.

A place with no facilities where youngsters nor people could showcase their talents.

I am from a place with only one primary school, which lacks resources.

A place with no nearby clinic, police station, complex or garage.

A neat, clean place surrounded by taverns,

it’s a birthday every weekend.

A place where education got its people.

A place where we wake up and see no purpose in life.

A place where young boys use weapons to survive, where young girls use their bodies to get what they need or want.

A place filled with Gangsterism; if you are not ghetto, you can never make it.

It is where we fight for survival.

I am from Lehae!!

A place where depression is confused with being bewitched.

Where drug users lose their minds because of Crystal Meth.

A place where you meet your peers and burst into tears, not that of joy but sadness.

Drugs and alcohol have taken over.

Oh! Dear Lord, please hear us out.

I am from a place where people lead us from other places.

We are led by counsellors who do not relate to our challenges.

A counsellor that gives you change but considers it as money to people with no jobs, rehabs, clinics, police stations and shops.

A counsellor that uses young girls.

A place with a library that has not been launched since 2017.

I am from Lehae.

May we be at least noticed by the government our counsellor has failed us.