When you see me lover please see me,

cause if your eyes catch me,

it must see the most different person you ever seen

Not perfect because when I lean 

on your shoulders your soul must talk with mine.

When i see you, look in your eyes.

That ocean eyes with flares inside your ocean eyes.

I want to feel free forever inside your arms,

dancing on our favourite romantic song soul to soul.

When i see myself with you it feels like

we is in a movie, with rides

in the carnaval festival.

When you see me lover please see me,

cause when i see you look at me I will imagine

we enjoy the moment in the morning

when we play pillow fight, you playing the piano 

while i sing, we can do it in reality without

my imagination dreamy lucid world.

While i look inside those ocean eyes that catch me,

While i imagine we dancing on our favourite song,

feeling comfortable inside those arms,

imagine that we are in a movie and doing all fun.

Lover, I can not think of anything else than our

moment, nothing can’t stop me think of me and you