If missing you was a sin, I’d be the biggest sinner

If missing you was money, I’d be the richest woman in the world

If missing you was a song, I’d be singing it all day long

If missing you was a book, I’d read it every single day

If missing you was a flower, I’d have a garden full of them

If missing you was a star, I’d have a sky full of twinkling stars

If missing you was a tear, I’d have an ocean full of sorrow

If missing you was a whisper, I’d hear your voice every tomorrow

If missing you was a road, I’d travel it every single day

If missing you was a bridge, I’d cross it to find my way to you

If missing you was a memory, I’d hold it close to my heart

If missing you was a dream, we’d never be apart and I’d never wake up from it

If missing you was a word, I’d say it every single day

If missing you was a hug, I’d hold you close and never let you go

If missing you was a kiss, I’d give it to you every second

If missing you was forever, I’d love you till eternity

But missing you is a deep feeling that keeps getting stronger and stronger every passing day.

Most poets say, “I miss you like the desert misses the rain,”

but I say, “I miss you like my heart misses its beat,

I miss you like my soul misses its home,

I miss you like my life misses its reason to be whole.”

I miss you my heart’s desire