Makhosazane uze ungangisoli

By nature vele ngi-slowly

Please listen, hear my story

Here, ngik’phathel’ umphefumulo wam

Futh’ ngik’phathele nenhliziyo yam

Ukube ngangaz’ ngangok’thanda ngiqal’ ukuk’bona

Mañje love is blind uthand’ aluboni

Olungenz’ impumputh’ but umuhl’ blind

Ukuk’thanda kwam ngithemb’ angoni

Makhosazane ngicel’ ungangisoli

Nami angizenzi I don’t wanna lie

Ngiqinisil’ ngempel’ ang’xoki, ukuth’

Ngiholwa yil’ uthando yilona umholi

Vul’ amasang’ enhliziyo yakho and let me in

Your arrival as well, it means a lot to me

Coz girI I was so lonely all alone

Sadness days now they’re all gone

All along was watchin’ you in distance

Till my feelings for you become so strong

To even tell you I couldn’t hold no longer

Since sewazi how I feel mina sengiyabonga

So now I don’t know, ngami how you feel

Ngibong’ ukuth’ uyamukel I thought uzong’phoxa

Yes I know you haven’t said uzong’qoma

Wen’ usazocabanga ngalè ndaba usazobona,

Kodw’ engikwaziy’, uthand’ umaqoba.

I love the way you are, indlel’ ongakhona!

I wonder bazothini ondaba um’ usung’qoma

But I know ondaba basozok’fel’ umona, that’s for sure

Bazobona laba, look, basazobon’ i-show

We won’t show off when our love take off

Our love is gonna be up in the air

We better don’t rush but take it slow

That’s given, we clearly both know

I wish to love you till both we grow old

Your modesty is what touched my heart

Makhosazane I love you ung’shaya ngaphakathi

Before you say you love me too, wait…

Hold up a sec, let me hold your hand

I wanna tell you something, wanna tell you that:

You’re an amazing woman I ever met!

It’s an honour for me to hatch and nurture these feelings for you.

I hope you understand, we can’t oppose nature.

The whole world will know we belong to each other

Whether you’ll love me or not but you’re an adorable creature…,

And thanks to listen to my speech, when I speak

Sengiyay’songa mina ngiyama la

I hope to see you soon suzong’qoma

Can’t wait to be your boyfriend sengish’ isoka

Ngale nkondl’ ng’cuph’ isisoka

Makhosazane let me love you,

Because that’s how I feel about you,

And I really do!

Danko, ngiyabonga mina!

Written by

S’thembiso Sydney Msezane