I stayed

Not because I loved the smell of his cologne

Or his sun-kissed skin

Not because I loved his deep voice

Or the way he looked at me

but because I wanted to trust him again

I wanted to know how many red flags he can show

how many punches can satisfy his lonely soul

And how many bruises my skin can show

I wanted to know, how deep I can dig my grave

and how long I can hold my breath

I stayed, not because I enjoyed the pain

but because I loved him


Now how can I explain all of this, it was love at first sight.

From the corner of my organ of sight

I espy a fast light

As if it was a falling star

I don’t know him by then

But my heart wanted to,

I charmed him with my perfume words not knowing he held stronger diction.

We spent hours half-drunk talking about real life

and all the time I was drowning in his big brown eyes,

by then I saw an amazing future with him.

That spark in his eyes awoken the spark in my heart.

I could not deny it, I catched feelings…