Well, they say love shouldn’t hurt
But what to do when crying yourself to sleep becomes a norm?
What to do when you get beaten up but still have no guts to walk out??
What to do when you know he isn’t worth it, but still can’t walk out because of LOVE?
What to do when you know that his loving side is much sweeter??
We get judged, we are told we’re weak or even stupid for allowing such, but are we really?? Or is it the baggage LOVE comes with??
We understand we aren’t punching bags, but what to do when you can’t see life without him?
Don’t judge us, we know what’s right and what’s wrong,we know our rights,we too hate being bullied,when we confide in you, we expect consolidation, not judgment.
We expect to understand and not undermining
Our intentions are pure
But your attitude is cold
That’s what pushes us to not be open
Which leads to being suicidal
But if suicide is brought by the society
Then where to run?
But in the end, I believe you’ll never understand until it happens to you.