The dusty streets thought it not robbery to pressurize you in the womb of your mom, the oppression made you not to see the likes of communication.

Lack of education couldn’t beg its way among the unlearned, whilst casting depression and oppression to the innocent souls, so that the mission can be accomplished.

The cycle has been a storm from the territory that boast on violence more than intelligence. Your precious soul was taken before it even entered the planet. Yet the highest dimensions kept you safe.

The cycle theme of turning a male into a female is their favorite strategy, so they can boast about it and trigger you to react through their narcissistic sociopaths.

They believed in abomination more than education. I know you would have known who you’re! And that you wouldn’t be confused about your gender because God is not a fool to have made a male and a female only…

Not what people would paint for your humbleness. I am your father, your King, your warrior in the dusty streets that thought it not robbery to silence you before you entered the planet earth.

Youngmen twist not yourselves because of the option that oppression leads you upon your life. A humble men is always associated with fools and cowards yet I say remain humble.

My lost unborn child may your precious soul rest in eternal peace.