A question asked to depressed souls,
Sounds like it’s difficult to answer
But it only requires a single word
If we’d get a chance to choose for ourselves
Would you choose the beginning or the end?
Would you choose the sunrise or the sunset?
Would you choose to suffer or tranquility?
Choose wisely and not in a hurry
In the blink of an eye everything could just vanish
The world could just go through a destruction
The world could go to an end without a discussion
It could go back to the way it was before God
created everything, but with his will of course
Everything could just perish
If I had a choice I would choose life
Few years ago, I was born everyone celebrated
It was a celebration of a new life
A soul born without sins
I wouldn’t want Mom to celebrate the ending of my life
I wouldn’t want people doing “After tears”
There are some things that I don’t believe in
There are things that are belittled