I was with him when they meet

I left him to look at her 

The very same way I need him to look at me

I could see in his eyes that he is charmed 

I don’t blame him

She was looking perfect 

With light skinned colour 

With long hair touch my knees 

With nice body

See I never was one to have low self esteem

Trust me I am confident with how I look

But how he looked at her shattered me

Yes her hair touches her knees 

But couldn’t he look at me,

Look at me how he looked at her

I mean yes she is light skinned,but that’s the same colour of my skin

She was coming towards us

I wanted to hate her for being there 

Who should I blame?

Myself for bottling my feelings or her?

Her smile convinced me and I blamed myself 

Her laughter was something else 

She is good hearted

I became jealous of her 

Jealousy is not something that comes from afar

And I know for sure I would have loved her,

Jealousy and hatred were the only things that filled my mind and thoughts

They caged my thoughts,and I couldn’t see her for who she is but just a girl who damned to take someone I value away from me

I valued him enough but he couldn’t see through my actions and eyes

I know for sure my eyes were full of love whenever I looked at him

My best friend was her handsome boyfriend 

Who loved her more than anything else 

But as they say beautiful girls are blind on loving boy’s

She cheated on him 

She couldn’t see the love he had for her

Yes I am jealous on her

You know she lost the best boyfriend anybody could die to have

I feel sorry for her

Her actions pushed him far away 

But better to my advantage she pushed him to my arms

She went and threw him to my heart

My heart was his safe place to run to cause he went and confessed his feelings for me

See now I am no longer jealous of her

I mean how do you become jealous of a person who is a nobody because of silly mistakes?

Her silly mistakes led to me having the boy I love the mos

The same boy who she  abondent

He cared enough to give me the most precious gift in my life

A baby boy.

She used to be someone I was jealous of

But now she is jealous of me

See,karma knows how to deal with people and she is one of them

She couldn’t appreciate what she had..