Here I am, here I am
The unwanted person
Here is me you would torment
You’d swear at me and I remained silent
The doormat, you would step on, in and out
Do you remember me?
I bet you don’t
That tall boy who was lonely
The one you didn’t want to be close to
The free ride you’d take advantage of
Now here I am
Your torments gave me strength
I was encouraged by your hurtful words
After rejection I archived success
I was made stronger by your abuses
I now stand tall
Hit my chest and say I’m proud of me
That’s when you beg before me
Lie, saying you didn’t intend to do it to me
You took pleasure in humiliating me
Now you pretend you want to support me
Although you treated me badly,
I won’t cover the cloth with a black patch
I will forgive and help you
But I wish you had done things differently
Maybe then you would’ve gotten a more loving treatment from me
Me your doormat again serving you
It’s my big heart that hurts me the most
I wish I could get revenge, a slap for a slap
I wish I could do everything you did to me
But I can’t
All I can do is forgive and love you again