You’re out here acting all perfect

Forcing fake friendships at my expense

Begging to be loved by talking about my past

On your mind surely that’s a win

I mean, my name made you famous

It literally made you act like you on some throne

A throne you won by dragging my name through the mud

But all that doesn’t matter

You’re not the first person to hate me for no reason

Neither will you be the first to conquer life by hating me

At least I ain’t like you!

I don’t recruit people to help me hate someone

Especially someone who’s already down

You tend to see my flaws but rather tell another person and not me

My mistakes seem to bring joy to your life

I just wonder how you’re able to rejoice over someone’s misery?!

But all that doesn’t matter

Tell you what!

I’ve been badmouthed

I’ve been cursed

I’ve been plotted against

I’ve been battling against the worst

Trying to change my life for better

I’m just glad I never lied about myself

Very glad I never faked perfection

And I’m extremely glad I avoided your words

Not everyone you recruited hates me

Some of them immediately tell me what you said

But I never confronted you even once

Not because I’m a fool or begging to be cherished by you

It’s all because your words have no weight

And your advice is gibberish with no place in my mind

But all that doesn’t matter!