A swollen heart

Eyes that conceive tears 

A darkened mind

Who’d care to know

That slowly i am losing myself 

The heart

Heavy and tired

Of caring burdens

No soul is ready to understand 

The pain I’m going through 

Last night i tried to pray

But i didnt know what to say

I heard tears are a message to God

And so

I sent him a message 

Hope he answers 

Have i known

My life will be




I wish i can escape

Somebody hear my cry

A weary and cranky voice 

Let the earth devour my soul

Let my spirit wander in despair

As u put pink rose’s on my coffin 

Its worthless breathing 

My eyes are swollen 

They can not go any longer than this

The sky is azure 

How i wish

I was like the sky

I’d cry all night but shine like nothing happened the following morning

How i wish

I could scream at the world like lightening and thunderstorms

But i can’t 

I don’t have it in me

I bottle it in 

I see no good thing

No beautiful ordinaries

I used to be happy

I used to scream in happiness

I’d never cry

Oh those days

Its funny how life can change in just a blink of an eye 

He once loved me

He once adored me

I believed I’ve got a story

A story to share with

Our children 

But unknowingly 

I was wrong

He changed before i could bare him kids 

He became a monster

No,he never hit me

He damaged my soul

And not my face

He crashed my heart 

Not my eyes

He injured my love

Not my legs

Physical abuse was better

But he was smart

He messed with me mentally

They warned me

They told me

They gave me hints 

How could i be so foolish?as not to see the clear writing on the wall

It was blur

I try to convince myself with my ass down my window and my pillow in my arms 

I could feel its sudden heaviness due to tears

I could feel my eyes swollen

In pain 

If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, please know that there is help out there and you can get better. Reach out to SADAG counselling 0800 567 567 (toll-free counselling between 8am and 8pm) or their   Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567 567. You are not alone.