I will never change just because you want me to
I will never stop being true to myself just because you are now part of my life
I will not allow you to control me in such away that I don’t have a say on how to live my life anymore
I will never allow you take my smile away and to snatch away my dignity
It either you love me the way I AM or you don’t
I will never ask you to stay with me when you’re not comfortable or not happy anymore
Yes I love you in such a way that I am willing to let you go where you will find happiness
I will never count your mistakes but I will leave as soon as I notice I am not appreciated,loved and cared for
You can’t keep on repeating the same mistake but you say you love me
I know very well when I am not wanted and appreciated
I will not allow you to fool me and play with my heart as you used to do to others
I am unique in my own way do not compare me with other people, just love me the way I AM and go with the flow
Lastly don’t ever think that you are doing me a favour by being in my life,No you don’t I used to live my life without you and I was happy
Don’t forget that you will never find anyone like me