We got a submission from:
Tebogo _Madonsela

Genre: Political, Reflection

voice number: 0825070065

email: Tebogomadonsela0@gmail.com

I Weep For Africa

I weep for Africa
Because of the Ashanti
That is forgotten

I weep for Africa
Because my tears wet the soil
Of ancestors once roam

I weep for Africa
Because what its lost generation will become

I weep for Africa
Because of the brave hero’s and heroine’s that we forgotten
History remembers the conqueror not the defeated

I weep for Africa
Because commodity has crumble our native land

I weep for Africa
Because of the struggles that our landscapes complacent with

I weep for Africa
Because of the blood and sweat that the first owner’s of native land

I weep for Africa
Because the san and khoikhoi went through the barbaric genocide of mankind

I weep for Africa
Because of food that we yearn for we cannot afford of

I weep for Africa
Because glades ,river ,streams and the mountain brought changed in our land

I weep for Africa
Because of the ever dramatic changing seasons that defined our narrative and rainbow land

I weep for Africa
Because of the peacemakers that changed the course of history in black and white, taught the black and the white to coexistence, share the same equal rights they rightly deserve from birth
I weep for Africa
Because of its future generation looks bleakest sometimes
I weep for Africa
My tears wet the very same soil that we stomp
I weep for my beloved continent
My cries get into a generation with no care