You taught me love

You taught me bravery

You taught me how to stay strong

I learnt fighting from you

Giving up was never

An option to you

I made you proud

As much as possible

You were a father to me

Now you left me

Holding on to your promises

Dear big brother

You promised to help me

Do nails online course

You promised

To get me a driver’s license

You promised to take me to varsity next year

You motivated me to upgrade my matric

So that you take me to varsity

You paid and organised my matric dance

You were there taking photos of me

Best photos and videos

Now you left me with all the memories we shared

I remember when you said you will teach me driving

And you will give me your car

I’m still holding onto that

I’m heartbroken

That when you died

I was watching you

I was looking at you

When you took your last breath

Just a week before my birthday

I could not even enjoy it

My heart is bleeding even now

You promised me heaven on earth

You said you’re going to look for a job

But you found death

And you died

And you left me

With all your responsibilities

I don’t know if I will ever heal

I miss you dearly

It been a month but

It so hard without you

You know I love you

Even if I never told you

But deep down I know you also love me

I miss you Sbusiso

You left me unexpectedly but

I miss you

I hoped that one day after my success

You will choose for me the first car that I will drive

Now I’m on my own

It was too soon

You didn’t have to leave me this early

It was too soon

Share your kindness with God and the Angels

Please grant us the strength to move on

To fight this and keep pushing

The way you always did

You didn’t die because it was time

You died for us

And for that