You never let go in midst of trouble
You never let go in the dark
Whenever I cry, you are there by my side to console my soul
Thank you for being a woman of her words
I shall always praise you even at your death mama
I never slept hungry
You are always there to provide for us
I have never gone to bed angry
You are there to comfort me in my saddest moments
Whenever you hold me with your warm loving arms
I feel safe and secured
You always show love to us, your only three daughters
I appreciate your love
Even when you had nothing
You managed to make us happy
With all the love and courage you showered us with
We will always put you first
I will always dedicate roses and flowers to you
For the way you raised us even at your worst
You couldn’t have done better than this
You are highly loved mama
Thank you for your heart which made you keep us for so many years