WARNING: This piece contains descriptions of sexual abuse.

From the moment you said hurtful things in a playful way,

Sometimes rolling the strands of my hair and patting my back

I knew I should’ve kept away from you.

You hissed nasty words behind my ear like a snake ready to attack a mouse,

Yes I was a mouse

Scared and caught up in this place

But sometimes I felt comfort but at most felt threatened.

I know I should’ve kept far away from you

when you hit me once and said it’s a mistake never to be done again.

Self proclaimed the Son of God who went around beating helpless, powerless women, (sighs)

I had no power the only power I had was to apologize

If what for is what I don’t know

But I came back again like a superball,

Leaving and getting back to the palm of your hands.

I knew I should’ve kept far away from you

When you dictated my life

From how to dress to how to smile.

I was a guitarist

Slowly trying to strike the right keys

While moving my body in a peculiar way just so you could hit every corner of my walls,

I let you in but I didn’t wanna let you in,

You raped me (sighs).

Call 911 I have an emergency ,

I have committed a crime

Ended my life the only thing that’s left is an image.

I have teared off the walls of my vagina, call 9111

Tell them I’ve committed a crime by committing myself to a barbarian and

I set myself on fire by staying under painfu words and a savage man.