I really didn’t mean to!

It happened so fast.

The gun went off just like that!

And I saw him go down with a thud!

He layed there, very still.

Oh my God! What have I done?

I just took someone’s life.

But I am not a murderer.

It was either me or him.

He wanted to kill me

Because I was ” cheating” on him.

He beat me up to a pulp

As he always did when he was drunk.

But today, he pulled out a gun

And pointed it on my face.

I saw my life flashing before my eyes

Whatever happened to me after that, I don’t know.

I found the gun in my hands

And I took him out with his own gun.

Now, he’s dead and I am scared.

And I can hear people approaching

Because they heard the gunshots.

I have to run for my life now.

They wouldn’t believe it was self- defence.

I have to get away,

Further and further away from here.

I do not want to be killed by the mob justice.

So it’s better to run and hide

And live life like a fugitive.