I have always wanted to be like Nasty C

I have always wanted to be like Beyonce

I have always wanted to be the best

I have always wanted the best

I have always put my best

I have always worked hard

Foolish did I not know

That it was meaningless

That I would find myself swimming

Swimming on Anxiety

Swimming in Depression

Swimming in Filthy Waters

How has the world been quick

Been quick to disown me

Been quick to rape my intelligence

Been quick to taunt me

How has the world been quick to judge me

How has the world been quick to ride over my joy

And till today I ask myself

How come do I still stand to say

I’m tired

I’m tired of clapping my hands

Why is it not enough

Why are my efforts not enough

Do I still have what it takes

Please Lord! Hear me

Hear my voiceless screaming

I have always wanted

When will I get

Hear me!