Yes, once again I had to find myself
Now I know the true definition of success
I know what the future is holding for me
I cannot predict tommorow
But my essence never lied to my soul
Now I know definition of letting things go
If you try once, twice, thrice and still fails
Then let go
I am a poetess
I have experienced a lot in these existence
I no longer have to prove myself to public
Because I gain nothing by doing so
I had to stop putting others first
Because they were never there for me during my struggles
I got myself once again
And I’m grateful to me personally
I stand to lift me and myself up
I got orgy of hopes and ideas
I got everything I needed
I finally got the key for my locker
I start me
I start my will before them
I’m happy I got myself
Standing for good
To embrace and rave
Standing from hard mire
This is new me
I got myself