Chapter one
It was Yesterday around 15 when I was sitted at
some cool place, sitting with headphones planted to
ma ears listening to some Cool Music, when she
Came Straight and sat Next to me
Gosh!ala Nikalibe Kuonapo musimbi mubotu(i have never seen a beautiful girl )like
her. Oh! God I swear she was the vision of Heaven!!
Her hair is nicely done, her fair Skin Colour
glowing, with tight firm little pointed boobs with firm
Fanta like Shaped hips and a smile that Could raise
the dead put me under Pressure, like a Pentecostal
Papa who has been Struck by the Holy Spirit
Screaming in Tongues Dadadadadada!!!Tatatatata!!!
For a moment I couldn’t believe what I was
beholding. Time came to a Stand Still,its like i had a
Vision of Eternity!!,
My body was frozen and i swear at that moment i
could walk on the Pacific Ocean
She has been ma dream for a while,we’ve been
talking Online and finally, I meet her. Buh alas! she
couldn’t recognise me because I look different in
Person from the way I look in Pictures
Finally, as I was busy setting ma tear dropping eyes
on her, she removes a chi big Phone from the
Pockets and starts WhatsApping.
Chapter two
I had to collect maself so I can approach her, killing
all the fear and anxiety that was Creeping, I took ma
last, deep and fearful breath and decided to
approach her
“Hey, how are you?”, I said in a very low and Poor
tone. She looked at me with so much fire in her eyes
that could quench the waters of the Indian
Ocean, and said in a very low but Spiritually high
tone; with a Smile that could Cure Aids,”am fine
I asked if I could sit next to her, and she said, “Sure
Sir, You can”.
Then I was like thanks,buh I hope your boyfriend
will not beat me, asking for ma Setting Setting,
Then she said,”No am not dating, actually I just
finished doing ma Law Course at the University Of
Zambia,and so when i was in School i had to put off
anything that had something to do with
Relationships. But now that am done, I think I can
settle with Someone”.
Me after hearing that, it either
today or never
Surprisingly, I just heard ma Phone ringing. Guess
It was a 06hrs alarm waking me Up,
I was upset with Everything and Everyone,
Why such a dream??
Why would God tease me like that??