The excess body fat made a mockery of her.
The bad temper converted her into a grumpy closed book.
Slowly she became so self-aware.
All the fame and “new her” made her so self-conscious.
Now all she did was for impressions and her new fake friends.
She led a life of self-denial and sacrifice.
In the process of sacrifice, she became so self centred
Because gifts did not come out of her pockets.
Fake smiles and peer pressure led her to desperation.
The desperation for independence and parent-free life.
Enthusiasm and dedication began to build up.
Spring came, and romance was in the air.
The life of education and entrepreneurship built a stack of hope.
But life came like karma in a cannon
Blasted all that was there into pieces.
And like a cookie, it all crumbled into a piece.
My dear sister
She hoped against hope, but it was her fate.