It weighs heavy, just to even think about it.

The absence of LOVE in life can make you think you are worthless.

But that can never be…

yet regardless of knowing,

The pain, the heaviness still hangs like you owe a debt you cannot pay.

it is also,

likely the same presence of Loving nd yet not know whether you’re loved back or unsure or just choose to ignore the obvious.

But still the heaving it doesn’t dawn like dawn.

it doesn’t set like how the sunsets.

its there

it’s presence, haunting.

it moves in the name of Longing.

a sudden discord of missing someone You do not know. present at the window pain so oftenly, as you watch in desperation to see one that the heart will click this annoyance of Longing to.

It weighs heavy, just to even think about it

restless at the times that are in between yet move so slow. For if time was a wall you would have blown it to bits and pieces just to get to thee.

and if time was just a door, You would chop it to bits and pieces

and if time was a distances, You would run and never sleep, You would crawl and never take a break, You would keep on even as everything of You tears into bits and pieces.

for this heaviness is unmatched

seemly a Golden touch, a LOVE that doesn’t die throughout all chapters.

you need somebody to cry with,

carrying the burden alone is more heavier,

than the LOVE that was lost.

Yet You have fallen anew

fallen for Who?

it’s a question in this heart.

as it weighs too heavy to even think of it all

desperate, desperate!!, desperate!!!!

But they still don’t show

in mind you wonder of ways You can find them

in heart You’re fearing the dept, You’re willing to take to find them. ohhhhh, oooohh, ooooooohhhh!!!, the cries of the heart.

As You check through the window pain again.


You wonder “how much time have I got”.

The mind juggling the matters of the heart

“May I say not what I cannot be”

“May I vow not, what I am not meant to be”

“May I dwell not, in what is not meant to be”

how deep then, does the scar of Longing go

how long will You continue to mourn for what You do not have.

what is it,

that makes You long soo much! for a person You do not know?

ooooohhh, Heavy, heaviness, heaving

how do You drown the longing to be InLOVE

ooooohhh, was it You that awakened it

or was it Love at first sight, as a novelists quote.

hush now heart, how is this gonna go on,

you know LOVE comes and goes just like day and night in seasons to come.

why then the heaviness, so much as if You’ve never been InLOVE.

Wouldn’t You like to forget this so called LOVE.

I guess it weighs way too heavy on You,

Just to even think about it.