We used to be Role Models of Safety

We used to be Role Models of Success

We used to be Role Models of quality

We used to be Role Models of Respect

We used to be Role Models of independence

We used to be Role Models to Women

We used to be Role Models to Men

We used to be Role Models to Presidents

We used to be Role Models to Ministers

We used to be Role Models to Powerhouses for goodness sake.

What happened to us South Africa.

Now we have become House for Evil

House for Sins

House for dirty

House for crime

OH how the Noble are slowly falling from grace.

OH how the heroes of Apartheid stand in Awe

OH how South Africa.

You used to sneeze Peace

And the whole of the world would get flu.

But Now.

A very bad plot twist just enters the setting.

And all the directors were quick to run from the set.

Save the country someone.

Please… Just save it from its own murder.

Please, Asemblief.

Good Country.

Gone Bad.

Wow Not.