Let me tell you a story.
A story that makes other stories.
This one is full of glory.
Passed from one generation to the other.
A story about the world and our Father.
In the beginning God created the universe and the Earth.
Darkness and void filled the surface of the Earth.
And God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light.
God separated darkness from light.
God called light day and darkness night.
That was the first day.
The second day, God separated the water from waters.
The upper water he called sky.
The third day he gathered all the waters under the sky.
He called the waters sea.
Dry ground he called land.
Then God said, “Let the land produce crop of every kind”.
It was so.
It was so.
The fourth day he created light in the expanse of the sky.
He made the moon, sun and the stars,
to mark seasons, years, months and days.
To separate night from day.
The fifth day, he created the creatures of the sea and of the sky to fly.
And he said, “May you be fruitful and multiply”.
The sixth day he created creatures of the land.
To move across the ground according to their kinds.
The seventh day he rested from all his work, and blessed the seventh day.
Then God formed man from dust of the ground and breathed into his nostril.
He created man in his image.
Through God, Adam and Eve were made.
Through Adam and Eve, evil was made.
Through God everything existed.
By him, we existed.