don’t forget mandoza ,

yes the nkalakatha .

a singer and song writer back then from 190s

the one who sang with Malaka the lady and Zola ,

It’s become a history, I know.

His really name was Mduduzi tshabalala.

The type of music genre was kwaito.

No wonder , we didn’t know he will loose his breathe,

he passed away.

A nkalakatha hits maker , don’t forget about him.

He made fame for himself before he died,

He loved every people even from outside the boarders.

His complexision was black skin , he’s from Zulu people

S.A know him, with builded body , he used to wear sparkles glasses on his eyes and a long jacket

don’t forget mandoza

He sang to intertain and to encourage people,

His songs educate , inspire and motivate as well as to uplift the dying spirit.

his voice was big and deep like’ Kwesta the Vilakazi Man.

His music barked all over the places , it’s was interesting.

He’s from Jozi ; intsotsi yaseZola

Don’t ever forget him , he left mark

He left sang ‘ Respect life boy!!

Written By L. Mkhwanazii