How does one keep them?

How does one maintain them?

How does one protect Dignity?

How does one have Grace?

What do I have to do?

Do I have to be a Teacher?

A Doctor or a Celeb?

Do I have to be born of a rich family?

Do I have to have lots of money?

Do I have to destroy someone’s self esteem?

Do I have to laugh at someone?

Do I have to flaunt my body?




You don’t have to be a Teacher or a Doctor.

You just have to respect yourself.

You just have to respect your heart, by loving yourself.

You just have to respect your mouth, by rethinking each and every word you say.

You just have to respect your mind, by thinking good thoughts.

You just have to respect your hands, by working positively with them.

You just have to respect your feet, by walking through the right paths.

You just have to respect your full body. And we will respect you.

And that way.

It is very much easier to get your Dignity.

That way.. You get your Grace.

And never let anyone take it.

Charity>Respect>Working effortless >Dignity >Grace…