Dear World,

Yes,it all began before,

Yes, before I was born.

My He ancestor fell in love,

In love with my She ancestor.

Intimacy took place,

Other ancestors were born,

Down the line,till pa’ and ma’,

Intimacy took place,

Ma’ conceived, I was born.

Dear World,

People celebrated,

As annuals passed by, cakes were cut,

Of course birthday celebrations,

I didn’t have much knowledge,

Till adolescence,

Ma’ and pa’ passed on,


Was al that was written on the stones,


Peace only when people REST?

Dear World,

I have realised you offer no peace,

Almost everything you offer comes,

Yes it comes,only with a price.

In you there is pain,

Dear world,

Your journeys bear the most steepest ascents,

Deepest descents,

Hellish heats and Arctic colds.

Dear World,

We joy,but its not everlasting,

We seek,but find with a struggle.

Most of all,we live under a limit,

A few celebrate on your century offer,

Even half a century of balancing such a heavy burden,

A burden of, Who, Which, What, When, How,

And,’ And then’

Dear World,

I’m frail and about to depart,

Just to let you know,it was never easy,

And will never be,

For you are made of Vanities,

You only offer vanity.

Even if I’m to pass on,

I will be remembered only two generations ahead,

Then forgotten forever.

Oh Dear World!