We have to count our blessings that God give us and mention them. God’s blessings is more than enough for us and be grateful for your blessings, you have earned from God.
The Lord’s blessings is forever and we should be happy and be kind-hearted and blesses each other and we are blessed all the time with our Lord Jesus Christ’s blessings.
The Lord’s Blessings can be sang of in so many word; we can describe his blessings for all of his blessings. He gaves to his children; we must never discarded God’s blessings.
God’s blessings have increased everyday; Everytime when we did something good for another’s. We get blessed double. it is more blessings we thought of getting.
God’s blessings matters and somehow we will need those blessings in our lives in this modern world of the 21st century that we are living in today.
©André Merrington