Haven’t i fantasied enough

I dont deserve this pain i go through day in and out

Haven’t you punished me enough because of my looks

Haven’t i cried enough in your eyes?my eyes are all swollen!

We made promise’s to each other,which ended in a heist of time

We shared everything but one thing you didn’t tell me was that one day you would leave me for someone much beautiful,smart,sophisticated and talented!am jealous of her.

I treated you like a king because i was your Queen,or so i thought!

Was tired of living and you gave me every reason to live now you give me every reason to end it all!

I guess the saying is true after all”Love alone is never enough”never believed in it but because of you i haven’t only realised love is not enough but that true love doesn’t exist

We were perfect together,didn’t think you would leave me for her!you said she’s a friend.you didn’t even warn me and i saw nothing wrong with your friendship,how more stupid can i be?

Having you was a wish come true!

Just being in your presence made me the happiest girl in the universe but now,being in your presence kills the inner me.

I’ll never get tired of looking at our pictures wondering if your smile was real at all.

I’ll never get tired of waking up in the morning wishing you were next to me

I’ll never get tired of praying asking God to keep you happy!

Maybe oneday,i will find someone like you.