Into the hot, fiery furnace I went,

Afraid of the unknown experience inside.

I instantly questioned myself: can I handle the heat?

This quivering fire’s furious flames

I’ve seen these flames turn those who are brittle

Into a hardened and strengthened character

And yet, I could feel myself panic

Thinking that I’ll crack under the pressure

Voices whisper, telling me I should turn back

The heat consumes me, and it feels almost unbearable

Perhaps if I leave now before I am incinerated

Perhaps they’re right; I might be able to escape unscathed

The heat warps itself into my head

Twisting my mind, making me delirious

I inhaled the hallucinogenic smoke

Clouding my eyes and my judgement

But I could feel the fire’s power

I could feel it deep into me, hardening my skin

I feel tougher, stronger

The fire’s power enveloped my frame

I exit the hot, fiery furnace

No longer the soft clay-ish dough I once was

I have changed significantly; I can feel it

I know now that I can withstand the heat

I can walk into the hellish flames and emerge victorious

I am brittle no more