Why do we deceive each other when we are this grown
What’s wrong with forgiving the adulterated girl?
How is it different from forgiving an adulterous boy?
We break up with people we still love because of advice from people who don’t even love them
The mistake is that we take decisions based on the opinions of people who aren’t even involved
We hurted the girls we’ve dated because we’ve not healed from our previous relationship
Also, the boys are hurt because of the girls who are still hurting inside
Why do we love the right people with the love of other people?
You don’t quench water thirst with a cold drink
The heart wants what it wants
So better love your betrothed girl or your cheating boyfriend regardless of the pain
Or rather be single till your heart heals
And when the heart is healed, then decide on whether you remain single or you seek love
Let’s not burden other children with the pain of love they have nothing to do with