“Alcohol I hate you,
I know you are just a substance,
but if only you knew the damage you cause”.
“You destroy lives, futures and even families,
you hate seeing others happy, without your substance”.
“You’re the devil itself”.
“You took my mum away from me,
you made her a slave to your substance. “
“She forgot herself in the process.
” It’s sad to realize her old self is gone”.
“All she could think of was you instead of me.”
“Early in the morning she’d go looking for you,
Until she found you”.
“You were her only happiness in this sorrowful world”.
“She claims she loved you because unlike men,
you never left her”.
“You stayed by her side through thick and thin”.
“I never thought a substance was capable of this”.
“I thought humans cause pain and anger,
but clearly I was wrong”.
“If only there was a way to erase you forever.”
“I blame you for making my mum lose herself,
Because I lost myself when I lost her.”
“Dear Alcohol I hate you”.