I don’t want to be old and restless
I’ve played that game with nature for decades..
With age I don’t wanna be
Wasting my time sitting outside watching the young being sweeped away by the Youth’s trickery stealing dreams installing useless drags.
With age I don’t wanna be old nd still playing hunger games
Nor do I wanna be old and a monster.
With age I wanna be free from all battles I fought when I was young.
I wanna be free from the pangs of Life nd the forever debates of how life should have been lived by the Youth’s.
With Age let me sit alone and read books and books of legendary hmmm’s of good thoughts that will sing to my soul a perfect tune.
With Age
Let me be free from life’s mysteries
When I’m old let me find rest in having peace forever and ever.
When I’m old.
I don’t wanna be still be looking for someone like me
If I had found such a soul
Nd that soul had to get to heaven before Me.
Do not look on me to look again
With Age
In me let be simplicity
But not of one of waiting for days nd days for death’s touch..
With age
Let me be old and frail but wisdom shine on my face daily.