Told her how I felt and

now I feel sorry for myself.

how must I face her

which direction must I get to her.

I complicated things.

why did I ask for her ear.

To be honest I’m lost

through her I thought i found myself a host

through her I felt like my heavenly gate was open

my feelings were safe

my opinion was not to be judged

I fell in love agin. I felt our hearts connection.

To myself I lied but to her

I created a disconnection.

I hate how pressured I am.

I hate how lonely I feel

how deep in thought I am

I ruined everything.

I broke the trust she had

the amount of freedom she felt.

the comfort she cherished.

I am a fool. I should have iced my notions.

silenced my imaginations

killed my desires and buried my goals.

I am supposed to be her nail not her tail

I am supposed to be her sky not my own fairytale

but fooled by my emotions I left my comfort zone,

I barked how I felt and carelessly opened fire

am I a fool to arrest myself or

a genius to confess

her silence left my bones tense

her contact became a witness to us being friends not a lover I dream of her to be.