We see a Phoenix burn then rise.
We see seasons wilt and bloom.
We drop a penny in the fountain of hope,
And look to the sky with silent expectations,
Searching for a trust that lives within us,
As the sun’s rays bind a desirable promise.
We wished we said,
To the child that sits at a scholar desk,
That a red pen and a printed certificate,
Doesn’t equate to self respect or dignity within humanity.
To the man that walks with drooping shoulders and clouded eyes,
Carrying his worth and aspirations within a folder of ink and paper,
That failure does not define morality, respectability or identity.
Reality may stutter and splutter,
But a dream is a continuous prospect set to conquer the world.
To the woman living within the golden cage of society’s norms,
Demands and patriarchy –
A victim of sexual monopoly,
That the key to freedom is etched within the resilience of her soul –
A fierce furnace that smolders restrictions and disadvantages,
That the world imposes upon her.
A cursed frog shall discover its golden ball.
Life’s slumber will find its awakening kiss.
A glass slipper will find its fit.
As we look to the sky in search of possibilities;
The left behind pennies at the bottom of the fountain,
Reflects the stars above,
Conspiring a new beginning.