Roses are red; violets are blue, sugar is sweet, as sweet as you, my love for you will stick like glue
When I first saw you, I knew that God chose you to be the one for me
You told me that you don’t want to lose me
It was by chance that we met
I love you just the way you are
But most of all, I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with you
You are the most amazing boyfriend ever
I have never been loved like this before
When I am with you, I feel that we belong together
People can say that we must end things with each other, but all that I need is to be with you for the rest of my life
People say he’s going to break you.
They are just jealous that we are together
I love the way you sing
You make me happy, and I will be your queen
And your baby
You are my love and my angel,
but if people ask me how long we will be together,
I will tell them that we will be together forever and ever.
I love myself when I am with you.
You make me feel like a queen.
With lots of love from Tersia,
your loving girlfriend.