My body burnt to ashes

The soil gave warnings

Sang songs of plea

But you fleed from the truth

I found the letter stashed in my coffin

Reminding me of the day he took my innocence

And you said he just smashed it will pass

Well, I got promoted to wife

Had adulthood handed to me

Rapped in dolls

I guess you forgot to tell me

To prepare to mother a sibling

I birthed

Put your gossiping career to use

In society, it was known as teenage pregnancy

Another lesson I should have noted

sister wives cover each other’s shifts

You just forgot to include me in your funeral cover

Don’t go undercover

debt might choke you

I wasn’t about to respond

But how ironic that the pillow that heard my cries gave me a shoulder to cry on

It is the one that takes my breath

Start the fire to kill

I guess it was tried to hold my pain

Paint Ignorance as you rejoiced in my pain

You we not in love

Just in love with the ideal of perfection

#bazothini but abobani

Your blood was in Seek for protection

Now I know your priorities

As these walls curve in

I am reminded of your blind eye

Even In death, you are my worst nightmare

Passed by the umbilical cord

I guess even in death, we shall share


Mine is to see you next to me

And I just confirmed it’s yours, too

Stop cutting your wrist. It’s a risk

I might accept the invitation to have dinner with you

I had a session with my therapist

She said I should confront the truth to let go

No mother can forsake their child

I laughed

I guess the joke is on me now

Kind regards

I will pass by. Remember to be kind

As we have a conversation regarding my death

Don’t deny you might lie covered by the soil