I remember like it was yesterday,
The day you came screaming into my world.
I held you tight
In between my arms,
Breastfed you all my love,
I watched you grow big and strong
To you I dedicated all my time.

I remember like it was yesterday..
The first day you learned to talk,
The day you learned to walk,
To the your first day at school.
I watched you succeed
And make me proud.

How could’ve time sped so fast?
Yet here I am today paying my last goodbyes,
Speaking of you in past tense
The pain I feel,
Not many can understand.

My heart feels hollow,
Along with you today I bury my other part .
How can a mother ever let go?
Of a child she carried for nine months,
Perish and buried right before her eyes.

Thought it’s hard
But all I can do is try ,
To live with the truth that you’re gone.
Death may have taken you from me,
But in my heart is where you’ll be.
I pray your soul finds eternal peace.