The loss
There is no medication that can be used to cure the pain in my heart.
Grieving caused by endless sorrow…
There is no bandage that can be used to bind up the wounds in my heart
Because the depth of its pain can never be escaped by wealth…
I can accept…
Yet I cannot forget
The void in my heart cannot be filled…
And the memories I have cannot be erased
What I have lost cannot be replaced…
I cannot imagine my life without you, Ele.
All caused by death that changed my fate…
Questions keep wrestling with my heart and soul
“Was it the right time?”
“Why so soon?”
Yet no one will answer my question…
Questions that lead to unstable emotions…
I have learned that I must accept things that I cannot change
Pslams 39:4 “Yehova,mpfunze udivha vhuyo hanga,ndi divhe uri maduvha anga asi manzhi fhano shangoni”
By Maphangwa Murendeni