(It a cold morining and Thembi is sleeping and she recives a phone call from mam radebe her mom)

MaRadebe: Good morning my beautiful daugher how are you doing this morning

Thembi: Hi ma (Yawns) Unjani? What a pleasant surprise you called me today and this early in the morning is every thing okay.

MaRadebe: Yes yes my child everything is okay I just wanted to inform you that your sister Thobile is going to get married soon she is getting paid lobola this week Saturday so I hope you wont mind coming over.

Thembi: Oh uhmm.. (shocked) okay congrats to her yes yes of course i will be there for sure.

MaRadebe: Okay than my child thank you so much my child it a pleasure so than if you don’t mind can you come over Friday night.

Thembi: Yha yha ma don’t worry I will come Friday afternoon uhm ma let me just prepare for work so i will call you later today.

MaRadebe: oh okay no problem my child byee.


Thembi is 35 years old and she is a lawyer by profession she lives in her apartment in Rosebank Standton Johannesburg she lives alone she is workaholic she also has a Fashion business she sells clothes


(It is hot morining Thembi does her morning routine she is preparing for work)( she is at work)

Sees her friend Bubbles at work

Bubbles: Hayibho chomma what going on you look down .

Thembi: Yoh chommi am telling you am so disappointed imagine my younger sister is getting married and look at me.

Bubbles: (laughs) Wow that a good thing hayibho don’t feel sorry for yourself you laid your bed lie on it.

Thembi: What do you mean, and beside why are you laughing what funny.

Bubbles: I mean that I told you to date and find someone you will hang out with but No you choose work and now the train has left you.

Thembi: Hayibho stop being ridiculous you know I love my job, and after Kagiso I told myself I will not date anyone else .

Bubbles: Okay than love your job and also marry it (leaves) (Thembi sighs*)