Chapter 6 : The secret is out.

Masheleni, Tsepho and Nomsa are going to the lounge and while they are going Masheleni notices a bottle of whiskey.

Masheleni: mama ( looking at Nomsa) please pour me a glass before I send this dog to his ancestors.

Nomsa pours Masheleni a glass and Masheleni drinks while pointing his gun at Tsepho.

Masheleni: take this ten cent mama and you know what to do habashwe.

While Nomsa is taking the coin and about to throw it on the air, someone knocks at the door.

Masheleni: yesesi who is disturbing my party.

Masheleni: (pointing his gun at Nomsa now) go and check out who it is and no funny business here, do you hear me.

Nomsa: yes Masheleni.

Nomsa goes and checks on the window.

Nomsa: it is Baba Macingwana

Masheleni: eish what does this old man want now.

Masheleni putting his gun back at the pocket.

Masheleni: okay open for him.

Nomsa opening the door.

Nomsa: molo tata

Baba Macingwana: sawubona ntombi, lomfana uTsepho is he here.

Nomsa: yes tata he is here , follow me.

Nomsa and Baba Macingwana goes to the lounge.

Baba Macingwana: (shocked) hawu Masheleni , you are back from prison.

Masheleni: I am a lion from Judah Baba Macingwana , I am untouchable. Yes I am back baba (laughing).

Masheleni: (looking serious) what are you doing here Baba Macingwana

Baba Macingwana: let me leave you guys , I wanted to speak with Tsepho but now since you guys seems that you are busy, I will come back later.

Masheleni: voetsek wena old man, sit down and tell us why you are here.

Baba Macingwana: (scared) okay then if you say so.

Baba Macingwana: Tsepho, there are two things I want to tell you.

Baba Macingwana looking sad.

Masheleni: speak wena old man , we were having a party here and you ruined it (drinking a bottle of whiskey).

Baba Macingwana: I am your biological father (looking at Tsepho).

Masheleni: uthini ( laughing) ziyakhala ke manje.

Tsepho: no , you old man, you are lying.

Baba Macingwana: you see son, before I became a traditional healer, I used to be involved in stealing cars so before you were born , your mother said for me to protect you since the were thugs wanting to kill me in Joburg, we all have to leave Joburg going our separate ways. So you and your mother left Joburg to stay in Durban that was were you were raised before coming here in Mdantsane and me I left Joburg at the same time coming here in Mdantsane.

Tsepho: (crying) my mother told me that my father left us to protect us and I cannot believe this because everything you are saying my mother told me.

Masheleni: all these years Tsepho being here Baba Macingwana you have been hiding this.

Baba Macingwana: when Thandi was dying he said to protect Tsepho , I must continue with the secret and not reveal myself to him, that I am his biological father.

Baba Macingwana: (looking at Tsepho) secondly son, Sipho came to my place and he was looking for traditional medicine and this has been eating me up since you are my only son and I can’t hide this from you.

Masheleni: that weakling Sipho is still alive (now laughing)

Baba Macingwana: If I were you son, I would not laugh as this is so serious ( looking at Masheleni).

Masheleni: continue speaking Baba, we are listening.

Baba Macingwana: son ( looking at Tsepho) Thabo is not your son. Sipho told me everything.

Nomsa: yhuuu bendiyithethile kelento Tsepho (meaning I once said this Tsepho)

(clapping her hands and then putting them on the mouth).

Tsepho and Masheleni both looking at Nomsa: shut up wena Nomsa.

Tsepho standing up and looking so angry.

Tsepho: what Baba, tell me you are lying.

Masheleni pulling out a gun and pointing at Baba Macingwana.

Masheleni: don’t lie, you old man.

Baba Macingwana: that is the truth , the man said Thabo and Zizipho his daughter are related.

Tsepho goes to the kitchen and takes a bread knife and is heading to Sipho’s house and meantime Masheleni is also following Tsepho carrying his gun.

Masheleni:Tsepho wait (shouting).

Nomsa: hayini Tsepho and Masheleni (also following).

(To be continued on Chapter 7).