Chapter 5: Gp Masheleni

In the morning someone is knocking at Tsepho’s house.

Nomsa: yhuu who could be knocking at this time , we did not even eat the breakfast yesesi and on the other side I am having a killer hangover (getting out of bed)

Tsepho: where are you going

Nomsa: haibo someone is knocking babe

Tsepho: just sleep Nomsa, it is definately that dog Thabo.

Nomsa: oh okay then , let me sleep , I cannot waste my energy for him, he does not even have some respect lamntana.

The knock happens again and now it is so loud.

Tsepho so irritated 

Tsepho: go away you dog , you are irritating me here (shouting)

Masheleni: Hawu Tsepho open the door it is me here Gp Masheleni and why are you calling me a dog now.

Nomsa jumps out of the bed so scared and also Tsepho jumps out of the bed looking so shocked.

Tsepho:(whispering) yhoo Nomsa is this happening Masheleni was on life sentence. How did he come out of prison.

Nomsa: myself andazi Tsepho (shaking)

Masheleni: voetsek wena Tsepho come and open this door.

Tsepho: sorry Masheleni , my king , I am coming right now.

Tsepho goes and while he is trying to open the door, Masheleni kicks it and grabs him on the neck and pulls out a knife and put it on his throat. Tsepho is so scared and shaking.

Tsepho: please my bra , please Masheleni don’t do this.

Masheleni: Voetsek wena I am not your bra and why did you keep me waiting outside and why did you call me a dog, you satan.

Tsepho: askies Masheleni I thought it was my son Thabo.

Masheleni: oh so now you are calling the son of my sister a dog. You are calling my nephew a dog.

Tsepho: apologies Masheleni for that.

Nomsa coming and he saw Tsepho on the wall while Masheleni is pointing his knife on Tsepho’s throat.

Nomsa: (screaming ) hayi Masheleni , please do not kill him.

Masheleni: voetsek wena , looking at Nomsa and then what are you doing here.

Tsepho: I could explain Masheleni (shaking)

Nomsa: please Masheleni (crying).

Masheleni: you see now Tsepho , you dog, it is not even a month since the death of my sister and now you are having a nice time and on top of that with my woman.

Nomsa: sorry ndoda yami Masheleni sthandwa sam (crying)

Masheleni pulling out a gun and hitting Nomsa on the face.

Masheleni: shut up wena 

Masheleni pointing a gun at Tsepho you see now you satan you are going to meet your ancestors, I am going to take a ten cent and then Nomsa will throw it on the air and then me I am going with the heads and you with the tails and no discussion for that. If it falls on the ground with the tails you are a lucky bastard it means I am not killing you for now but if it falls on the ground with the heads, it means you are going to meet your ancestors in seconds.

Masheleni, grabbing Tsepho on the neck and Nomsa following them going to the lounge and while they are going Masheleni is singing Amagugu elilizwe and laughing. (To be continued on Chapter 6)