Fashion Crime! Fashion Justice! – EPISODE 5 [Season Finale]

9:29, Junior holding is holding a teddy bear, meaning while Mampho is digging! Somewhere Down South Johannesburg.

Mampho: (Breathing heavily) I’m sorry you have to see this. (Continues digging)

Junior: (Tightly holding his teddy bear) I just want to go home!

Mampho: (Digging) I have to get this body out of here. That witch Abitha has sent the Police here!

Junior: (Sobbing)

Mampho: Hey, don’t cry. It all will be over soon. I promise you! (Continues Digging)

Junior: So.. (trembling) Are.. Are you going to dig out a person?

Mampho: (Pauses digging) Stop asking million dollar questions, I might end up digging you up!

Junior: (Trembling, stares at Mampho digging up)

Mampho: Bring that teddy bear!

Junior: (Holds it tightly) No!

Mampho: (Continues digging, whilst her face filled with mix of determination)

Junior: (Sobs) I want my mom!

Mampho: (Pauses digging, walks to junior as she grabs his teddy bear) How many times must I tell you to Shut Up!

Junior: (Cries while trembling)

Mampho: (Throws the teddy bear dark into the woods) Go fetch your teddy bear! (takes a shovel and continues digging)

Junior: (Crying)

Mampho: (Continues digging) I have to do this.

At Potgeiter Mansion. Christopher is sitting alone at the dinning table.

Christopher: (Crying) I killed her! (cries) I killed my love. I should have never emotions get to me!

* Phone rings *

Christopher: (Stares at phone ring, As he cries) I Killed Dorah! (Continues Crying)

* Phone continues ringing *

Christopher: Oh.. Maybe it could be her.. Maybe she did not die! Maybe.. I was just day dreaming. (answers phone call) Dorah my love!

Pinky: (On a phone call) Hello!

Christopher: (Cries) You are not Dorah! (Cries harder, as he screams) Why did you love me Dorah, why did you care about me Dorahhh! (walks to the pool, as he throws the phone) I hate you Dorahhhh!

Pinky: (holding her cellphone) Chris? Chris are you there?

Christopher: (Kneels down on the floor) I hate you Dorah.. Why did you put a gun on my head! (Cries harder)

At an Unknown place, Mampho continues digging up, the scene is illuminated by dim of light from Mampho’s car.

Mampho: (Her heart beats fast) I think. I feel something! (She continues digging)

Junior: (Trembling in fear)

Mampho: (Continues digging) She was asking too many questions. She deserved it!

Junior: (Trembling in fear) So, you are the one who killed Christina?

Mampho: She was like you! She was asking too many questions! Me and my friends ended her.

Junior: (Sheds a cold tear) My… Grandma!

Mampho: (Digging, then she feels a cold substance) I found her! (she puts her hand on the plastic covering the body)

Junior: (Gasps on horror)

Mampho: Don’t just stand there, come and help me carry out this bag!

Junior: (Shaking) M. ME?

Mampho: (Tries to pull out the body with all her might)

Junior: (Horrified, as he cries)

At the PearlRose Hospital. Abitha is in Joyce’s room.

Abitha: Did you do it?

Joyce: (laughs) Fool, she fell for it!

Abitha: Meaning, she must be digging up the body.

Joyce: (hand shakes Abitha) Pleasure working with you!

Abitha: (hand shakes Joyce) I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that this remains a secret!

Joyce: Never mind that! What is this that I hear that you have a brain problem!

Abitha: One must do desprate measures, in desprate times!

Joyce: I could not get hold of the girl detectives, I sent that boy!

Abitha: Van Der Kerk?

Joyce: yes!

Abitha: As long as Mampho, is found digging up that body!

Joyce: You are such a bad person Abitha (laughs)

Abitha: (laughs) I could same thing about you! (walks out)

Some Where in Johannesburg. Mampho has pulled up the body with the help of Junior.

Mampho: (Sighs heavily) Finally. Mthakathi is out again.. (laughs) I’m gonna have to find you a new home!

Junior: (Gasping, as he trembles)

Van Der Kerk: (Gasping, as he brights up his torch) I’m horrified!

Mampho: (Startled) Detective!

Van Der Kerk: What the F** happened here? (Gasps in awe)

Mampho: (Picks up the shovel) What are you doing here?

Junior: (Crying) I just want my mom!

Mampho : Explain! (as she slowly approaches Detective Johan)

Van Der Kerk: (Gasps in realization) This explains, why the poor was missing. This, it was you!

Mampho: Voetsek!

Van Der Kerk: (takes out his gun)

Junior: (Screams)

Mampho: (Throws the shovel on the ground) You want to shoot me? SHOOT ME!

Van Der Kerk: (Trembling) Don’t tempt me!

Mampho: (Stepping closer to Van Der Kerk) You are weak! You won’t pull that trigger.

Junior: (Runs to the car, as she gets to Mampho’s phone)

Mampho: You are just a Rookie Detective! (She runs to Detective Van Der Kerk)

Van Der Kerk: (Pulling the gun from Manpho’s hands) Leave the gun you witch!

Mampho: (Fighting for the gun) Leave it!

Van Der Kerk: This is a dangerous weapon. (fights for the gun)

Mampho: You took it out!

Van Der Kerk: (pulling the gun) Leave it!

Mampho: (Screams) No!!

Van Der Kerk: (Steps on Mampho’s foot, as he pulls the trigger)

* Gun Shot *

At Inspector Amanda’s Office. Amanda is with Detective Busi.

Amanda: (Looking at the suspect board) It’s a disaster!

Busi: Do you think it was right for us release Pinky?

Amanda: Regardless of what Johan may say. Pinky is just a woman caught up in bad times!

Busi: (Points at Abitha’s photo in the suspect board) if she regains her memory, die popo sal dans!

Amanda: I think she is just acting!

Busi: But Detective, you saw her with your own eyes, she is Delulu. No one can act that good!

Amanda: (Stares at Abitha’s photo) You know what they say about a woman scorned!

Busi: (Sighs) let’s talk about Mampho.

Amanda: Mampho.. (Sighs heavily) has been too quiet. I have a feeling, a bomb is about to drop!

Busi: (Sighs) I hope not literally!

Amanda: (bangs the table) This case just makes me hate being a Police Officer!

At the Potgeiter Mansion.

Christopher: What do you want?

Pinky: I want a place to stay!

Christopher: And you thought this is the right place?

Pinky: I want you to help me. I’m looking for my son!

Christopher: (laughing) Me.. Help you?

Pinky: Why not?

Christopher: (Pulls his laptop, as he inserts the USB drive, and plays the recording)

Somewhere in Johannesburg.

Mampho: (Gasps) What have.. What have you done!

Van Der Kerk: (Drops the gun)

Mampho: (Runs to the bleeding junior) Junior.. Junior… Baby… Please don’t die on me.. Don’t die in me nana.

Van Der Kerk: (Stares at Junior in shock)

Mampho: (Tries to stop Juniors stomach from bleeding too much using her hands) Junior.. Please!

Junior: (Cries, as he moans in pain) Aunty M…

Mampho: (Cries) Talk to me my baby!

Junior: (Cries, as he coughs) Why did no one tell me that, it is this painful!

Mampho: (Crying) No.. No. No my baby don’t say that. Don’t say that! Call the Ambulance you bloody murderer!

Van Der Kerk: (Trembling, as he taps his phone)

Mampho: (Shouts) FASTER!

Van Der Kerk: I’m trying!!

Junior: (Slightly closes his eyes) A… Aun. Ty.. Mampho.

Mampho: Talk to me.. Please don’t close your eyes. Please Nana.

Junior: (breathes weakly) I want my mommy!

Van Der Kerk: (Crying on a phone call ) Amanda.. Please come… I’m here somewhere somewhere..

Mampho: (Rushes to Van Der Kerk, as she throws the phone into the pit)

Van Der Kerk: What are you doing!

Mampho: (Breathes heavily) You can’t tell Amanda. Or anyone about this.

Van Der Kerk: (Crying)

Mampho: Junior.. (Sobs) He is gone

Van Der Kerk: (breathes heavily) I am a murderer!

Mampho: (Hugs Van Der Kerk) You are not a murderer! You are just a good person, caught up in a bad situation.

Van Der Kerk: (Pushes Mampho away) Leave me!

Mampho: I need you to help me carry Christina’s body. Get your emotions together, besides.. It’s a season finale!

03 April. At the PearlRose Hotel, At the Conference Wing. Christopher and Mampho’s wedding. At the Bride’s Dressing room.

Van Der Kerk: We need to talk.

Mampho: (Staring at the mirror)

Van Der Kerk: I’m speaking!

Mampho: I been waiting for this day, my whole life!

Van Der Kerk: We need to talk Mampho!

Mampho: Voetsek! I’m very busy.

Van Der Kerk: It’s Over Mampho!

Mampho: (Stands Up in panic) What do you mean. O ra oreng?

Pinky: (enters the dressing room)

Amanda: (enters the dressing room) A witches Promise, Slithery as a Snake!

Mampho: Pinky… (breathes heavily) Detective Aman.. Amanda? What are you.. You guys doing here?

Pinky: I want my Son!

Mampho: (Stares at Van Der Kerk)

Pinky: Speak!

Mampho: (Laughing) I never took you as the confronting type Pinky!

Amanda: (Takes out her gun, as she points it at Mampho) I figured out, the only way to get to your head, is through a gun!

Van Der Kerk: (breathes heavily) Your Son is dead!

Amanda: What are you talking about Johan?

Mampho: (Points at Van Der Kerk) This one, killed your son!

Pinky: Johan…. Is this true?

Van Der Kerk: No.

Mampho: Stop Lying Johan!

Van Der Kerk: (Points at Mampho) You are just trying to change the topic that I found you trying to hide Christina’s body.

Amanda: (Breathes heavily) You kept all of this to yourself! Heh?

Van Der Kerk: No. Amanda you have to believe me.

Mampho: Now please, everybody will you get out!

Amanda: No so fast!

Christopher: (enters the Scene) Yes! Not so fast.

Pinky: Chris?

Christopher: We need to talk Mampho!

Mampho: Oh, I see you are ganging up on me!

Pinky: We are not Ganging up on you.

Mampho: Guys. I’m in my wedding dress, you are here not giving me space to breathe, LA gafa?

Christopher: Babe why don’t you tell them that you killed my family’s maid!

Mampho: (Frowns in confusion) Maid? I just… Made her realize that she can’t date married man!

Christopher: Which Married Man?

Amanda: You know what, let’s get out of here! (walks to the door, as she tries to open) Its locked!

Van Der Kerk: Let me try. (Tries to open the door) It does not want to open!

Pinky: (Coughing, as she covers her mouth) Is that smoke?

The Fire Alarm goes off. As People evaluate the Venue.

Mampho: (Her hearts beats faster) What is happening?

Amanda: (breathes heavily) I think..

Van Der Kerk: There is fire!

Christopher: (Trying to break the door)

At the Special Care Center. Dr. Chloe Manaka is evaluating Abitha.

Chloe: (Noting down on her file) So, where do you think is your mother now?

Abitha: (laughing)

Chloe: Please answer my question!

Abitha: Doctor.. Do you like fire?

Chloe: (Pauses noting, as she frowns) Why asking!

Abitha: Because, I know some people who are being burned of their sins!

Chloe: Speak Vividly!

Abitha: Sometimes, you have got to teach People not to mess with you! And that way? Is by fire!

Chloe: (Gasps In horror)

Abitha: (Takes out a knife) I’m not ready to stay my whole life in hospital full of crazies!

Chloe: (Stands Up and runs to the door)

Abitha: (Stabs Chloe from the back) I’m sorry. You were never supposed to be part of this. (runs away)

At the PearlRose River.

Abitha: (Smiling)

Maharaj: (Smiles) It’s all done!

Abitha : They are all gone!

Maharaj: Checkmate!

Abitha: Now, the only person left is you!

Maharaj: You would not dare!

Abitha: (Breathes heavily, as she falls dizzy)

Maharaj: Remember that meal you ate before killing the good Doctor!

Abitha: Maharaj… What have you done! (She limps to Maharaj, and pulls him by his clothes tightly)

Maharaj: Leave me you freak. Ntlogele Moloi.

Abitha: I’m taking you with me!

Abitha Pulls Maharaj and they both fall into the River.


Joyce: (Crying)

Reverend: Uhambe kahle umbhangqwana wethu. Umlotha emlotheni!

The end.

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