Micheal and Grace are having lunch in the restaurant. Grace smiles.

Micheal. : you know, I never get tired of watching you smile. Just like the good old days. Come back to me Grace, please. I promise, I really have changed. I’m not that same guy who used to beat and control you. I’m not that cunning guy anymore.

Grace. : its not that easy. Where’s Whitney?

Micheal. : well… I don’t know, we broke up a long time ago.

Grace. : she’s good huh?. She broke us up and she also left you.

Michael. : actually I left her.

Grace. : still, she made you believe she loved you. You were manipulated.

Michael. : I know.

Grace. : why did you leave her?

Micheal. : like I said, she did the most terrible thing to me. Something that I don’t want to talk about.

Grace. : what is more terrible than finding out that your partner have a 13 year old baby with another woman.

Michael. : the most terrible thing was finding out that my partner was pregnant another man’s child.

Grace. : but the most terrible thing is knowing that the one you look up to has turned their back on you.

Micheal. : no, it is finding out that you have been lied to all these past years.

Grace. : yeah… That’s the saddest part of it all. The most stressful thing is he is delaying to sign the divorce papers.

Michael. : what ?… You… You divorcing him ?.

Grace. : yes. I decided to start my life afresh.

Micheal. : why dont you start it with me ?… I also want a fresh start.

Grace. : I don’t know Micheal.( take a sip of her drink).

Micheal. : I’ve changed, I dont hit women anymore, I dont control them. I now know how to take good care of a woman. That cruel Micheal is gone and this…( put his hand at his chest) this is the new me.

Grace. : I’m happy that you’ve changed Micheal, but you know what we’ve been through together and I just can’t risk living that life again.

Michael. : I have changed Grace, I really have. Please come back to me.

Grace. : (looks at him for a while) I’ll… Have to think about that. ( takes another sip).

Joy is in her office. She hears a knock at the door. She raised her head and see Alfred standing at an open door.

Alfred. : hi. ( Joy just looks at Alfred and sad nothing). Can I talk to you.

Joy. : how may I help you ?

Alfred. : I know you’re angry at me right now but could you please do me a favor.( he walks towards Joy)

Joy. : what do you want Alfred.


Alfred. : please talk to her for me.

Joy. : talk to who for you ?

Alfred. : to Grace.

Joy. : I remember you telling me to stay out of your family business.

Alfred. : I know I said that but please help me Joy. I need her, I miss her. You know, these past weeks living in a hotel made me see the importance of having her in my life. I might have teared her heart apart but I am willing to rebuild our marriage.

Joy. : she won’t listen.

Alfred. : she will listen, she always listen to you. My marriage is delapidated. You are my only hope. Please, I beg you to help.

Joy. : fine I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not promising anything.

Alfred. : ( sighs) thank you. I owe you big time.

Joy. : not so fast. Let’s see if she changes her mind.

Alfred. : she will, I know.( looking so excited) you have a word of a miracle.( he exits Joys office)

In the afternoon. Grace was hanging the clothes on the line. Jennifer, Angel and Caitlin shows up.

Angel. : mom this is Jennifer, my friend from school.

Jennifer. : good morning Mrs Thompson.( looking at Grace with a smile)

Grace. : good afternoon. ( turns to look at Jennifer) Whoa!, you sure look alike.

Caitlin. : everybody at schol say that, even I say that.

Angel. : learners in her class actually thought we’re siblings.

Grace. : How are you Jennifer ?

Jennifer. : I’m fine, how are you?

Grace : I’m good.(smiles) its good to finally meet you. Angel told me a lot about you.( Jennifer smiles)

Angel. : lets go to my room.( they go to her room)

Caitlin. : I’ll show you my dolls.

Grace. : don’t mess up the beds.( When they get in Angels room Jennifer sees a teddy bear on Angels bed, she takes it)

Jennifer. : you have this teddy bear too ?

Angels. : yes, you also have it ?

Jennifer. : yeah… I keep it in my drawer.

Angel. : my dad bought it for me when I turned 12 years old.

Jennifer. : me too. It was a present from him.

Angel. : why do you have so much in common ?

Jennifer. : let’s try something else, something that won’t be the same like a… Birthday date.

Angel. : 22 September 2008

Jennifer. : 24 September 2008

Angel. : o…kay… This is getting serious.

Jennifer. : are you sure you not my twin ?

Angel. : I wish I was.( they both laugh)

Jennifer. : my mom and I are going to the park tomorrow and you are welcome to join us.

Angel. : uhm… I’d love to but I can’t tomorrow. My dad takes us out for movies every Friday, but you can come with us.

Jennifer. : no, I’ve already promised my mom to go with her.

Caitlin. : ( enters the room holding dolls) here they are Jennifer. Sorry for taking long, I was looking for Cindy here. ( showing her cindy)

Jennifer. : ohhh.

Grace is having lunch, Whitney comes in and sees Grace sitting alone and she goes to her.

Whitney. : Grace Thompson.

Grace. : ( looks at Whitney) do I know you ?

Whitney. : I’m Whitney, Whitney Holmes. We went to college together.

Grace. : oh… I remember you. You were the best netball player in school.

Whitney. : (smiles) Can I join you.

Grace : yeah… Sure. ( Whitney sits) How do you know I’m now Thompson?

Whitney. : I… I’m a friend of Alfred Thompson, so I know that you’re married to him.

Grace. : okay… So how come Alfred never said anything about you ?

Whitney. : I don’t know, maybe its because we aren’t that close.

Grace. : okay. ( drinks her coffee)

Whitney. : Grace please dont divorce him.

Grace. : what are you talking about?

Whitney. : I’m talking bout you and Alfred, I know you asked for a divorce.

Grace. : Alfred told me you that ?

Whitney. : I told you he’s my friend.

Grace. : but you said you aren’t close friends.

Whitney. : yeah, we met a few days ago and he told me about your divorce.

Grace. : so he asked you to talk to me?

Whitney. : no, he doesn’t even know I’m here with you.

Grace. : what else did he tell you a out our marriage ?

Whitney. : that he told about the child he have and that you saw him holding hands with the woman he impregnated 13 years ago, and you went mad and asked for a divorce.

Grace. : you must be a very close friend.

Whitney : Alfred is a very good man, you don’t have to do this to him.

Grace. : is he ?… Whitney why are you so concerned about Alfreds marriage ?

Whitney. : maybe its because I am( takes a breath ) I’m the one who broke it.

Grace. : what do you mean ?

Whitney. : I… I’m the mother of Alfreds daughter and the lady who you saw him holding hands with in the restaurant. ( Grace open her eyes wide looking at Whitney ) all I’m asking for is you to forgive him.

Grace : what do you want ?

Whitney. : I want you to forgive Alfred.

Grace. : you know what, just leave.

Whitney. : ( she stands and takes out a car in her bag and put it on the table ) this is my number, please call me if you need anything.( leaves)