Mandla was watching the most scariest movie . Mandla was still watching ! And the movie went to an end! Mandla went home . The way home , he saw a post saying ” Danger at this town ! Be safe !” Mandla said to himself that there’s no danger here and he laughed. Everyone were in there houses . Mandla was alone His phone was off . It was dark . Mandla was scared! Where can he go! He cried suddenly a little car came .” Young Man what I you doing out alone. Did someone hurt you” ” No Sir ! I don’t know where I am . Can you please send an email to my mom!”” Get in the car!”” Thanks !” Mandla didn’t realize that , that man is trying to kidnap him.
” Are you hungry?”” Yes” The Man gave him food. Suddenly Mandla felt dizzy. Because that man put drugs in Mandla’s food. The man laughed .” Sleep tight, we have a long journey ahead of us! Ha ha ha!” At the road Mandla was awake.” Where am I?. Sir where are you taking me ?” ” Shout up! You will see!” The little car stopped at a small house!” David were where you?” An old man asked him.” What’s in that case ?”” Nothing!”” Help me!”” Shout up!” “There’s a kid in there! David give me the case now! Or else you are fired !”” Okay take the case I don’t want it anymore!” The man ran away! And he wasn’t seen anymore. So the old man opened the case.” What! Mandla is you! Ooo my poor grandson!”” Grandpa I miss you soo much!”
Mandla’ s grandpa gave him food and water. Mandla rides grandpa’s taxi home. When they made it home, he knocked at the door . There wasn’t nobody at home! Mandla heard someone who said ” That’s the last post, we will never find Mandla!” Sudden Mandla’ s mom stopped.” It can’t be! Mandla!” ” Mom, dad I am soo sorry! I…” It is okay. Who brought you home ?”” Grandpa did!”” Hello everyone!”” Dad thanks for bringing Mandla home!” ” My pleasure!”