It’s time for women to be taken seriously.
Today I was in town minding my own business, then this guy came up to me and said “You look so beautiful baby, imagine if you could bore me children that look like you.”. After he said that he smiled . As if he saw the smartest thing. I was just so disappointed, that I cringed. In my mind I’m like what was the dude thinking. I answered and asked, “When you see women do you see baby-making machines or objects “? I wanted to ask him if he was born and raised in the 1900s, where women were treated as objects and baby-making machines, but with the level of gender based violence in the country I couldn’t risk asking him that. I mean the guy looked like he was in his early twenties, for him to have that mentality is so scary. When will the time come for women to be seen and heard and for us to be treated differently . Times have changed , it’s time for men to know a women’s worth . I know some people might think I’m exaggerating things or something like that . But it’s not okay for men to treat women this way , we are also humans we need to be treated with love . Not for you guys to feel like we could be perfect to bore children.